Musical Fidelity Elektra E20/E30 Amplifier

Externally the amplifiers are made in the traditions of Elektra series - strict, elegant design. There is a minimum of control handles on the polished black front panel of the pre-amplifier. Two large rounded handles are allocated: level regulator in the centre of the panel and the input selector to the right. In such way the company Musical Fidelity as if shows that the listener's attention won't be interrupted from the sound. Red LED in the handle of the regulator allows you to control its position visually. In addition, the connectable sound's source (eight in total), the input, connected to recording tape recorder, and turning on "Mute" are identified by red LEDs too. The select of sound's source for record on the tape recorder is made by small buttons, located in the lower part of the front panel. For the lovers of vinyl recordings the connection of pick-up with both moveable magnet (MM) and moveable coil (MC) is provided. The switching of this mode is made by the switcher on the back panel of the amplifier. At the same place there are ten pairs of gilt input RCA and two gilt output ones. The main socket is also installed on the back panel, which is connected to the network through the separate cable with a third drain wire - such sockets are usually used in computers. The remote control looks very similar to a computer mouse and has five control buttons: volume level ("up", "down"), the signal source ("up", "down") and "Mute". The last-mentioned mode is very useful at, for example, unexpected phone call. The separate low-power amplifier, working in the mode of A class, is used for head receivers. The connector for them is put on the side wall of the amplifier in order not to disrupt the integrity of the perception of black front panel, the cover of which can be determined as "piano lacquer". It is obvious that the lack of tone's and loudness circuits' regulations involves the company's desire to get out undistorted engineer's message to the listener. But this may require from you a very careful choice of speakers in the future. Externally the power amplifier Elektra E30 is made with the same sizes and in the same style. There are only power on button and its indication on the front panel. The big toroidal power transformer is installed on the chassis constructively to the left. There is the radiator with output cascades of the amplifier in the middle and o the right - filter capacitors. Two input gilt RCA and four pairs of output connectors are installed on the back panel. Network connector and cord are similar to the used in the pre-amp Elektra E20. The measurements showed some reserve by parameters, declared by the company. And at the listening of special test recordings and music programs from audiophile discs the kit demonstrated confident and clear sound.

Musical Fidelity Elektra E20/E30 Amplifier photo