Onkyo TX-DS484 AV-receiver

No matter how you see it the receiver, it is clear that his company created a self-sufficient unit. With a relatively small capacity for all speakers Screw terminals provided - can I say traditional desire for respectability. However, there are no outputs from the processor, except the subwoofer output - power amplifiers, of course, only five.

Omitting the description of the configuration process with the established set of outdoor speakers, we note that the sequence of actions that the spent on other devices, there appeared to be almost useless. Despite easily attainable sharpness and micro-detail, the scale of the sound sometimes seems to be changed for no apparent reason. Acceptable compromise does not work, though, seemed to be somewhere nearby. Receiver Onkyo TX-DS484 definitely require more fine-tuning, or an individual approach. Actually, what we are busy ... Measured data on the penetration of the signals from channel to channel revealed nothing untoward. Taking as a working hypothesis reluctance Onkyo combined legal marriage with our floor-standing speakers, we decided to replace the speakers. Instead, put the overall floor theater set - a sort of Hi-Fi-miniature ... When you set up on a test tone level of the subwoofer had to put on maximum ... Stop! Indeed, in Onkyo's setting on the speakers left the definition of Large, and the speakers something - clean Small! Immediately, stunned subwoofer, we got it back to the level of zero. Then add the distance to the center (nothing at all - 0.3 m); the tape measure distance to rear speakers was optimal. But the quality of the welcome we received a significantly (3 levels) by reducing the level of "center". Trouble brought Adjusts the delay (set-ups) from the front panel; alas, the remote does not help. I must say that a new set of high-frequency acoustics was less, but on the subjective perception of this fact largely unaffected. The main thing - there was adequate mobility of the sound images so they are lighter and more precisely to scale. It should be noted that the position of RF emitters in the new version has changed a little, perhaps influenced by other conditions of reflections from the floor and the other parameters (orientation in the vertical plane). The final touch was made, when, as a center channel took place the previous high-quality speakers. Here you can put on this point. As a result, for Onkyo TX-DS484 can recommend even a relatively low-cost, miniature speakers for the front and rear, optional subwoofer cool and good-quality center speaker.

Onkyo TX-DS484 AV-receiver photo