Rogue Audio Tempest II Amplifier

Rogue Audio Tempest II amplifier is of a closed design and is distinguished by advanced switching capabilities. It is equipped with the simplest remote control system, designed for five sources (the Phono input is linear and intended for an external RIAA-corrector) and has three pairs of outputs that are useful for connecting an additional power amplifier, recorder and subwoofer. The Tempest II sound path uses two 12AX7 and two 6SN7 and four Russian-made tetrodes KT88. Output stages can operate both in triode and ultralinear mode (switch is on the rear panel). A very impressive power system also causes respect. And the output transformers, judging by the description, have the widest possible bandwidth. The overall impression is that it is a solid, serious thing. Only the complexity of service spoils Tempest. For example, you will have to remove the cover to adjust the offset and to unscrew a couple of nuts on the terminals to set the output to 4 or 8 ohm mode.

We started the test with the triode mode and were a little disappointed with the dynamic qualities of the amplifier. This feature is worth noting especially. Although Tempest looks like a huge powerful amplifier, in fact, it is very delicate. It needs highly sensitive loudspeakers, otherwise you risk getting too calm, slowed down sound. Now, let speak about the strengths. The sound stage deserves the highest rate. It is very accurate and incredibly deep. The second advantage is neutrality. The middle and high bands are generally colorless, the bottoms sound smooth and full-weighty, with a good attack, although they are not as dynamic as the younger Cronus model.

When switching to the superlinear mode, Rogue Audio Tempest II changes the character of playback to a very small extent. A slight analytical dryness appears in its "voice". The information content increases, the detailing in bass register improves, but pleasant liveliness leaves the middle band. However, for some genres of music such a mode is preferable. When setting the toggle switch to Ultralinear, electronic music and post-rock sound richer and more comfortable to ear. In the triode mode, the vocals, choral music and classics are more emotional. However, these observations are valid only for our test system. With other loudspeakers, Tempest II may show a different character.

Rogue Audio Tempest II Amplifier photo