Speaker pair Pioneer S-81-K

A few years ago, the company has decided to revive the glorious tradition, brought together in Paris an international team of engineers and designers for the design of a new generation of home speakers. In the process also involved the Tokyo technical unit Pioneer and R & D department of Los Angeles.

So powerful effort and was created eighth series, which is headed by a floor model S-81-K. These systems meet the latest requirements in terms of not only design, but also engineering solutions.

Thus, through the use of this frequency band SUPERTWEETER 4-ways acoustics extended up to 100 kHz. Externally similar to the ribbon tweeter, but actually serves as the emitter dome of superfine titanium foil, placed in a slotted socket. Its shape is designed so that the radiation pattern in the horizontal plane turned out as widely as possible. Hundred kilohertz, of course, we will not hear, but the presence of harmonics on SACD, for example, gives a sense of air and subjectively extends spatial perception. In addition, the audio formats Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio more demanding acoustics used in home theater. It is interesting that on the rating plate speakers, among other things, there is the logo KEF Uni-Q, so it is possible that the HF unit has a coaxial design.

Diffusers other drivers is not quite normal - they are woven aramid and carbon fibers. It is known that synthetic aramid polymer (better known under the name Kevlar) has a bullet-proof resistance and carbon fibers effectively absorb mechanical resonances. The result is a lightweight, rigid and inert diffuser, introducing much less distortion at large signal amplitudes.

All three drivers - two woofers and midrange - not only have diffusers one size (13 cm), but also carefully chosen to give a minimum of time mismatch. For the same purpose, and designed new crossovers assembled from elements of audiophile quality.

Bass reflex bred forward, has a decent diameter and improved aerodynamics. Four input terminals, bridges made of segments of copper speaker cable.

At the bottom, instead of thorns - massive legs in the form of hemispheres that, in my opinion, is much more convenient.

Already during the pre-heating, it became clear that the sensitivity of the speakers is quite small - to show their dynamic range, had to work hard even to our 180-watt integrated amplifier Bryston B100 SST. However, this option is specified in the data sheet honestly - 85.5 dB.

Apparently, the sensitivity deliberately sacrificed for the sake of a flat frequency response - any deviation tonal ear catches. Lowercase limited to 40 - 45 hertz (most likely, too consciously), but all the above, does not cause problems. Bass tight, energetic and fast. Bass, especially in chamber jazz composition, profile, and some of the nuances of sound - the attack, harmonics, reverberation - very similar to live. Kick drum also seems completely natural, although occasionally a few squeezed like speakers slightly overdamped. But this is only the nuances of negotiation with the amplifier, it is possible that so hungry to speakers current need extremely short cables with more serious section.

In the mid-range nothing to complain about - it moderately detailed and rich in tonal shades, which is especially beneficial to the playback vocals. The sound of an open, free, without any coloring Kevlar. It seems that the crossover frequency bands are chosen wisely - all singing range from bass to treble passed vividly bright, with intonations characteristic of a particular artist.

In the upper register is really a lot of air, plenty of overtones makes the sound light and transparent, but gives emphasis on strings and brass, which are beginning to dominate the rest of the instruments. Clarification of musical balance significantly improves the sound archive records with poor RF spectrum, so that it can hardly be considered a disadvantage.

But to clear advantages S-81-K I'd carried her ability to build three-dimensional space with a confident outlook indicated in depth. Symphony Orchestra fills the entire area of the scene, and each member of the jazz quartet confidently localized to a particular point in space. This is possible only if the exact phase matching of all emitters and a broad pattern, on what, in fact, the main efforts were focused specialists.

Pioneer S-81-K Speaker pair photo