Floor standing speakers Celestion 30i

Compared with the model 23i, 30i got more expensive extra speaker and along with it - 3-way speakerd qualifications. From a comparison of the frequency characteristics of the two systems, it follows that increasing the number of lanes through the introduction of additional midrange head certainly stabilized the situation of the lower top, but slightly disturbed steadfastness stroke amplitude at the middle portion of the bottom. Amid positive achievements role of the latter effect is negligible. 30i does not dare to prey on deep bass, low frequency synthesized form a little vague, but maintain good mobility, not deformed at high amplitudes and do not interfere express themselves average. Generalizing good bass response for the system will be an adjective: quiet. Curiously these qualities reflected on the sound of the bass-rich low-frequency content of classical fragments. Undoubtedly, in the familiar Bass felt the impact of simplifying the system, but it is absolutely not associated with categorical most uncompromising shelf system, by contrast, seemed 30i delicately as it bypasses the disputed her view point, all the forces trying not to disturb the harmonious unity of the image. As a result, the sound of bass, of course, acquire a peculiar shades, but - it was all the same bass, retains full responsibility for the strong foundation of musical structure. The transfer of the high-frequency part of the spectrum has a very high correctness. That's why the sound system is the inherent brightness, which is determined by the conservation completeness manifold nuances of live sound palette, preservation, and not artificial underlined violent drawing attention. Note that for high signal levels at high frequencies, reduced transparency. And the positive aspects of the transmission of low-frequency range of features, and a masterful reproduction of high frequencies could not provide adequate exposure when listening to, if not perfectly capture the middle. Apparently, all the same exact skill - both in tone and in the dynamic sense - broadcast MF range is the main advantage of the system. And listening to complex instrumental compositions, including symphonic classics and classical bel canto, has repeatedly urged us in this. The system, of course, universal, but a trained natural rock concerts hearing its sound may seem deflating.

Celestion 30i Floor standing speakers photo