Subwoofer Audio Pro B1.39

Active acoustics Audio Pro unimaginable without proprietary system ACE-Bass. Recall, ACE-Bass - a proprietary system for monitoring parameters of the low frequency driver with the help of feedback amplifier. Thanks to the best proportions B1.39 seems compact and even elegant. The front panel is closed decorative fabric, speaker emits the same floor. The hull is reinforced vertical multilocular MDF-strut. Equipment systems are very impressive: high inputs and outputs, line-in jack for AV-signal receiver. B1.39 - one of the few in the test, providing the opportunity to high-amplitude correction signal for satellites - highpass filter of the second order with a cutoff frequency of 100 Hz. Cone mounts provide good vibration isolation from the floor.

To achieve the desired result had to thoroughly work with the system settings. Varying bandwidth, we have succeeded in "understanding" B1.39 and large outdoor and with a very small shelf acoustics. Very useful was the ability to frequency signal preparation for the front stereo pair - without the imposition of cross bands led to a noticeable coloration. Leaves good impression bass system in the theater "staged". Swedish subwoofer available deepest bass layers. Slightly hidden power always felt: serious shots, very palpable threat of being buried under tons of water Strikes... Musically trifonike best harmony is achieved by using a subwoofer in moderate energy modes. Desire to add volume for the sake of gaining definitive fullness experiences when playing symphonic classics faces some resistance as it were: to the limit becomes a phase inverter noise, distracted by other sounds. These artifacts, surprisingly, completely invisible to the movies - whether that attention is ignored.

Subwoofer to the choice of undemanding front to spend some time setting it can be agreed upon, it seems, with any acoustics, but should be ready for some fine tuning of the system when changes genres. Very valuable for 2.1 system is a possibility to remove the extra bass from the signal for the front pair. Better to use the system in a small room.

Audio Pro B1.39 Subwoofer photo