Speaker pair Energy Audissey APS 5+2

Luxury dimensions, a huge mass, a record number of drivers - we are the flagship series Audissey - APS 5 +2. Two tweeters and two mid-head form a bipolar configuration: the rear panel installed additional tweeter and midrange drivers, coaxial pairs located on the front. Goal - to achieve the maximum spatial uniformity of the field. Booty bass entrusted 200mm speakers with conical membranes and 200-mm passive radiators also placed on the side panels. Provided a line input. There is an equalizer, changing the cross-border nature of the recession, and the mandatory control level. You can change the phase of the radiation.

"Big ship - a big swimming". Bass APS 5 +2 strong as weightlifters and spacious as a concert hall, giving complete freedom symphonic sound. And feeling full subwoofer wealth occurs when the handle is worth equalizer "in neutral". However, in this state, sometimes you want greater clarity in the design of rapid change levels, I want to clearly feel the "beater" big drum. But it is enough to just turn the knob to the left. However, very organically "get used" to the image of a bass symphonic form, what should probably thank the excellent dynamic resolution at low frequencies - the system does not miss the attention of even the slightest change amplitudes, not "breaks" capricious theme basses in its "motion" near the "bottom" of the dynamic range. Adjust the low-frequency sections are very effective and give a "clear" changes that greatly simplifies the configuration process. Good dynamic resource system - both its active and passive aspects. With excellent tonal balance of the image is still in its coloring a little warm colors. But extremely spectacular audio projection space. The scene in the measure removed, well recognized plans. Note that when using APS as a theater front should take a responsible approach to the selection of center channel speakers - "too small" in the sense of low frequency capabilities clearly will not work. The system displays an impressively confident scale "global" sound events, whether it is the death of an ocean liner, an earthquake or a motion herd of prehistoric monsters.

Excellent dynamic capabilities of Canadian bipolar exclude negative effects features tonal organization sound image that is taken as a legitimate originality (comfortable "soft" sound) and provide complete system versatility. Especially that deep bass at Audissey - rife. Unjustly will "destroy talents" the system by putting speakers in a small room. Additional subwoofer for movies probably will not need.

Energy Audissey APS 5+2 Speaker pair photo