NAD C565BEE CD-player

Long ago NAD got us used to the fact that there are few products equal by quality/price ratio. And C565BEE seems to be a particularly good buy due to the following.

Although this player does not support super formats, the range of its capabilities is much wider than in other music players. NAD C565BEE has an optical digital input and can be successfully used as an external DAC, moreover, a very advanced one - with a choice of various upsampling modes and a USB interface.

I'm sure you will definitely feel the difference. Indeed, in NAD C565BEE, 24-bit /192 kHz converters manufactured by Wolfson Microelectronics are used for digital-to-analog conversion, and what is more - in double differential switching. This technical solution, as well as a dual power supply system with a toroidal transformer for the analog and digital sections, was borrowed from the flagship The Masters Series. Improvements have also been made to servo systems: the mechanism provides more stable reading of hybrid and copy-protected discs. Generally, everything is optimized in this model, up to the analog output part - this is evidenced by the BEE abbreviation.

Optimistic, articulated, melodious - epithets themselves arise in mind since the very first minutes of listening to NAD C565BEE CD-player. Dynamics is not tense, but not fantastic. Micro dynamics is more interesting. The sound is detailed, but at the same time it is not overloaded with information that is not related to music. In the most complex programs with powerful dynamic contrasts, the player tends to soften the sound, but it neatly copes with subtle nuances. The overall tonal balance is also neutral - it does not seem warm or cold. In the sound stage, it is worth to note the breadth of panorama and the integrity of its central part. The most distant plan is not very expressive. Images are truly maintained by scale - this is what makes the sound of C565BEE realistic.

NAD C565BEE CD-player photo