Castle Knight 2 Bookshelf speakers

The British company Castle is considered to be the strongest player in the market of speaker systems. Knight 2 are classical two-way monitors of bass-reflex type with the port on the back panel. They are made in strict traditions of the company with the use of time proved technical solutions. So, an inch tweeter with soft fabric dome, decent magnetic system and sound coil, wound by lightweight aluminum wire, is used to sound the upper range. I want to especially note that frequencies up to 24 kHz are played without noticeable rolloff. The membrane of woofer is weaved of carbon fiber - lightweight and durable material, resistant to flexural deformations. The diffuser's caliber is small, only 150 mm, but soft and elastic suspension gives it enough freedom for confident transfer of bass.

In brief, the sound of Castle Knight 2 can be described as moderately punchy and very transparent. The upper range is clear and sparkling, but sometimes it seems that it is slightly higher by level than the rest of the spectrum. However, in home interior with soft furniture the accent in high frequencies can be even useful. Claims to the middle are minimal; this part of the working band differs by clarity and extreme naturalness. Voices of vocalists are absolutely natural, separation of instruments is perfect. Coverage of the lower case is more than sufficient for the shelf system. The dynamics at the same time is although not too high, but still acceptable for the most of genres. Spatial picture is without any failures, but the foreground is slightly close to the listener. Sound stage is not too deep, but for the system of such price is quite adequate.

Castle Knight 2 Bookshelf speakers photo