Wharfedale Diamond 9.1 Bookshelf speakers

When Wharfedale has opened the production in China, they got the opportunity to make unique by ratio of quality/price speaker systems. The proof can be any model from new series. For example, Diamond 9.1. Perhaps, this is the only system, which costing less than 200 dollars has a complex body with convex side-walls. The tweeter is fabric, 25-mm and with slightly sunk dome and profiled flange. 130-mm long-stroke mid-woofer with cast basket and Kevlar diffusers surprise even more - drivers of such level are very rarely met in budget speaker systems. In addition, there are high-quality terminals for wires.

Confident, accurate and rich bass without any modulation or coloring immediately attracts your attention. Wharfedale Diamiond 9.1 forms wide and extended in depth stereo panorama. The upper case is slightly muted, so the musical balance seems to be a bit heavy (attention is moved to the instruments with low and mid spectrum), however, if you analyze HF-band separately, you cannot not to mention high accuracy of discants' playing: sound is linear, clear and does not bear aggression. Also vocal is transferred softly, truly and exciting.

Wharfedale Diamond 9.1 Bookshelf speakers photo