Philips DFR 9000 AV-receiver

The line of digital AV components from Philips, getting a special name - Cineos, consists of three devices: HDD/DVD recorder DVDR9000H with built-in TV tuner, multichannel player DVP9000S and, finally, a six-channel receiver DFR9000. The company classifies all the components as state-of-the-art, i.e. they are remarkable not only by functionality but also design.

Indeed, the receiver gives the impression of respectable, scientifically grounded and stylish thing. A massive aluminum panel decorates a moderately thin body with antiresonance inner frame. Three round LCD displays instead of one large look unusually - each window has its own function. DFR9000 advisably differs from other devices by equipment: there are digital HDMI inputs and outputs, video scaler, which supports different HDTV standards (including 720p and 1080i) and serves as processor for conversion and correction of analog video, and also DAB module, supplementing optional FM/AM tuner. Everything is progressive in audio section too: DSP, working in the advanced "theatrical" standards, UCD impulsive power amps. At first glance, the switching possibilities of the device are not too extensive, but everything here is also thought out - for example, you can set the sensitivity of audio inputs and if you are not going to use multichannel linear ones, you can connect additional sources to free RCA jacks.

The top Philips receiver doesn't sound as alive and plastically as some its competitors, but it is informative. Dynamic qualities are also high: the device easily copes with both powerful musical and cinema effects - the sound at peak levels stays clear, comfortable and legible. Another encouraging sign is: being an impulsive amplifier, the device produces very precise and not caustic sound, doesn't soap details and only adds a subtle color common to "digit". The difference in sound between digital and analog inputs isn't almost felt. The bass is composed, the middle is clean, only the upper range sound a bit simplified. In general, sound picture slightly needs imaging and convexity. Having quite a good localization, DFR9000 not very confidently divides plans in sound space, dissolving distant sources in them. But the scene is stable at "circle".

Here is another problem and, by the way, it is rather unexpected but, fortunately, not relating to musicality. The designer did not care for some reason to protect the tract from switching interference: you can hear sometimes quiet but sharp clicks and this spoils the impression.

Well, it is impossible to be an absolute champion in everything with such price. The sound quite corresponds to a receiver for 300-400 dollars, and what about allied opportunities (Dab receiver, convenient and various settings, work with digital sources, deep correction of video signal) DFR9000 here is beyond any competition.

Philips DFR 9000 AV-receiver photo