Sony SS-126E Bookshelf speakers

Sony SS-126 E is a two-way magnet-proof speaker system of closed type. In addition to basic anti-diffractive problem, the stream-line form can solve some problems of your interior's brightness. The sizes of the system are 220x380x275 mm; the conical woofer has the diameter of 16 cm, the dome tweeter - 2,5 cm. The maximum power of the amplifier is limited by 90W per channel. The frequency characteristic shows the precise quality of the system: the unevenness in the lower part of the range is ±3 dB and in the upper - ab. ±2 dB. The frequency cut in the upper part of the range in accordance with manufacturer's information is 20 kHz. Low border of the frequency range is 45 Hz. The sensitivity of the speaker system is 86 decibels. The area of stable stereo effect is normal. It will provide very good quality at the use in small homes. Expensive additional rise of bottoms and extraction of the characteristic in ultrasonic area still rarely give an adequate effect in the conditions of the most of urban apartments. The frequency characteristic of input impedance has typical for all closed systems form. The main frequency of resonant system's tuning is 70 Hz. The crossover frequency of the loudspeakers is 1,5 Hz. The minimal value of input impedance drops a bit below 4 Ohm and the nominal is 6 Ohm.

Sony SS-126E Bookshelf speakers photo