Furutech ADL GT40 DAC

Despite its small size, Furutech GT40 is endowed with extremely wide functionality. In addition to the USB-converter, it has a built-in phono amplifier for MM and MC heads, a preliminary amplifier and an amplifier for headphones. The metal case is precisely made and, due to its compact size, an external power adapter is used for power supply. Almost all controls are concentrated on the front panel. On the left side there are two small buttons with backlight, which are responsible for switching on and selecting an input, and on the right - a convenient metal volume control knob. On the rear panel there is a USB 2.0 port and a combined linear connector, the operation mode of which is set by a small switch. The headphone jack is designed for serious models with a 6.3 mm plug.

When working with a computer, Furutech GT40 does not require additional drivers and reads sound files up to 24/96. The DAC chip has similar characteristics, the type of which is not indicated by the developers.

If you connect the headphones, the line output does not turn off, which was a small surprise. The headphone amplifier has a sufficient power reserve. Its sound can be described as moderately neutral, without any audible accents in certain parts of the range. You immediately pay attention to the calm dynamics and pretty confident deep bass. As for the transfer of the structure, the claims here are minimal, but the attack is not so cheerful. The top is slightly veiled, but generally clean and decently decorated. Aggression does not appear in any musical genre. The middle is a bit faded into the background, but it seems natural in terms of tonal transitions. The sound when connected via a linear output is more attractive, it is perceived even more balanced and open. The upper case becomes cleaner, the middle becomes intelligent and the bass hardens. The sound stage is slightly approaching the listener, the foregrounds are noticeably get close.

Furutech ADL GT40 DAC photo