Raysonic SE-30 MkII Amplifier

This amplifier is produced in China. But it was created by the Canadian company Raysonic. And, judging by the design of SE-30 MkII, audio engineers in the house of a young company from Ontario, are outstanding. The body is made of milled aluminum billets with accuracy and thoroughness appropriate to the most expensive and prestigious high-end components. The amplifier is equipped with a remote control, has a high-precision volume control and an electronic selector for four sources. It uses an interesting circuit design consisting of three EL34 output tubes in each channel operating in single-cycle mode, due to which engineers were able to get 18 watts of power. Power is made on the tube 5Z4G. The preliminary and driver amplification chain is built on two double triodes 12AU7 and one 6922EH. There are no printed circuit boards in the device - air wiring is used everywhere. The main mass of the amp consists of its huge transformers. The power unit is located on the right, and the output transformers are hidden under the general cover - on the left.

Such brave designs always cause distrust, and when power is declared that you cannot physically remove from EL34, you start thinking that you are being led in a pretty dance. However, to the great amazement, Raysonic SE-30 MkII really sounds like a very powerful amplifier. There is a microdynamic resolution and a pleasant brightness in the middle range, which, apparently, is due to the increased level of articulate harmonics. You may find fault in the accuracy of the edges of the range - the top is more than usual enriched with higher components, and in the bass there is a rubber-buzzing weakness. But as for emotional sound and music drive, the Raysonic product has full order. The genre range of SE-30 MkII is much wider than even in some two-step amplifiers. And the ability to hold a low-frequency kick will be very useful when you decide to listen to electronic jazz, dub or even R'n'B. Here the Canadian amplifier is unique and has no analogues. However, Raysonic SE-30 MkII is still not pure and accurate. This is felt, for example, in the sound stage.

Raysonic SE-30 MkII Amplifier photo