Speaker pair Triangle Genese Quartet

The company Triangle many legitimate reasons to be proud: a more than 30-year history, the dynamic head of its own design and manufacture, located in France. And as a result, this brand speakers 18 times honored with the prestigious Diapason d'Or.

The proximity of all services under one roof has obvious advantages - the engineers of R & D department, if necessary, can interfere with the production process and promptly correct even the slightest flaws that a beneficial effect on quality. And if the company produces and its own dynamics, based on their perceptions of how they should sound, then the desired result with the final product for a much easier and cheaper.

System Quartet, which we started to warm to listen, take in line with the symbolic name Genese an intermediate position between the shelving and top-Trio Lyrr. A recent addition to it has become a center channel and a powered subwoofer Voce Meteor 05 Tc. Yes, and the series itself also refers to the average price segment, filling the gap between the budget models and Esprit flagship Magellan.

A pair of tall columns immediately attracts the attention of the original hull shape and unusual design elements, giving them an impressive contemporary look. Free tweeter location - corporate decision Triangle, first used in 1981. In Genese Quartet set a new radiator inch TZ2500, designed for Series Magellan. Streamlined capsule, half sunk in the upper plane is the compression chamber which dampens the rear dome light titanium and suppresses its harmful resonances. Front end forms a horn extending pattern and frequency response equalization. And finally, the spectacular "golden bullet" in the center reduces the interference of sound waves, which gives rise to distortion and uneven frequency response.

Upon closer inspection you notice unusual and reflex port routed to the front panel between the bass drivers. Tube, divided into two horizontal partition, also branded Triangle development called Twin Vent. Its meaning is that each of the woofers working on the half port, thus ensuring their full independence from each other. 16-cm diffusers have a sandwich structure in which an outer layer of fiberglass and internal - of the impregnated cellulose. The special design of the soft suspension is designed for large displacements without loss of dynamics. Lightweight paper cone midrange optimally consistent speed with the tweeter, which ensures fused sound without noticeable time errors.

And finally, the third unusual thing - a "fifth leg", ie powerful steel spike passed through the oval cutout massive housing base. This design, known as Spec (Single point energy conductor), the body diverts energy vibrations directly to the floor, which is beneficial to the intelligibility of the sound. In the platform itself is also screwed either spikes or legs with plastic caps.

The strips are divided at 250 and 3200 Hz, whereby the most important range in which our hearing has the maximum sensitivity, a midrange transducer is reproduced. For a more efficient division of Triangle uses filters 4th 24dB/oct. The connection of the principle by-wiring. Cloth grills mounted on magnets, hidden in the flanges of the speakers.

High sensitivity, allowing the acoustics work with small power amplifiers - credo Triangle. The declared value for the "quartet" - 92 dB, the model recommended by the manufacturer for interior area of 30 - 60 m2.

Finish (in this case, Mahogany, mahogany veneer that is), and the overall quality of manufacture will not cause problems even in the most demanding esthete. These speakers can be safely put into the room with rich wooden furniture, harmony will be full. For more stringent interiors suitable option in black piano lacquer. Despite the fact that our listening room is much less than the recommended special problems with the positioning of speakers has not arisen. The main thing is not to put it close to the side walls, due to the wide pattern of branded tweeters possible violations of the tonal balance in the upper middle. Incidentally, the upper range - horn color generally invisible, no excessive brightness or hardness. On the contrary, where the range of the phonogram initially aggressive trebles are presented delicately, as if working with a cool cloth dome tweeter. Yes, you can complain about the lack of sparkling "silver" and the air, but there is no danger underscores digital artifacts that can make the source. But as such, no veil, so that on top of everything is very transparent and clean.

The bass is very linear from 40 hertz, and maybe even a little lower. Character, like a properly rebuilt subwoofer - no buzzing overtones, rolling reverberation is not tight, although the bottom border there is a feeling of some under-damping.

Mid-clear and open, very beautiful, with a surprisingly warm "tube" coloration. Harmonic resolution in this area phenomenally high for the transfer of timbral nuances of the "quartet" remind speakers with full-range speakers with paper.

The scene is perhaps the most important achievement of the creators of these speakers. If you listen to the orchestra, it fills the entire room, and each instrument will have the exact coordinates of the width and depth of the space. Chamber works on the image of each artist seem absolutely real.

But the true vocation of these columns, of course, rock. Reserve intelligibility in the middle and a great drive, accurate transmission of rhythmic pattern - all this makes a strong, almost concert experience. The high sensitivity of systems is manifested in the ease and speed of dynamic extremes, regardless of volume. At the very powerful punch felt body fragments, and tonal balance does not change even at inhuman levels. However, I still have a suspicion that the dual port with a little playing along - in the sound are extra notes.

Generally speaking, Quartet - Acoustic is real life, to have fun, does not necessarily put licked audiophile discs. It perfectly reveals the meaning and mood of any record, and the mood quickly passed to the listener.

Triangle Genese Quartet Speaker pair photo